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What is a “Christian Academy”?

We Are Christians

The Kings Prep Christian Academy is founded, staffed and dedicated to the Christian faith as described in the Bible. Kings Prep has a mission to use biblical principles and foundations in teaching academics to children.


We believe in the basic tenants of the Christian faith as found in the Bible. There is One God, Our Father, he has One Son, Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. Man sinned in the Garden of Eden causing eternal separation from our Creator God. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ in the form of a man who gave his life on the cross for our sins and to reconcile us back to God. Acceptance of Jesus Christ is only one way that a person can have an eternal union with God our Father.  Anyone who confesses that they are a sinner, and accepts in their heart what his Son Jesus has done for us on the cross by the shedding of his blood will live with God in Heaven forever. When a person accepts Christ, the Holy Spirit of God comes and dwells in their heart as a guide and comforter.


To that end, we use these bible truths as a foundation to help children understand about God’s creation including nature, people and societies and their purpose here on earth. We also use these truths to guide children into a lifetime relationship with Jesus Christ. 


By “Academy” we mean a place of study and training, for children. The result we hope and pray will be individuals who are prepared to give into our society in a way that they see God’s vision for their lives. We view study as consistent, rigorous, and engaging. Academy activities are utilized using what the bible tells us and demonstrates to us about human nature, growth and learning. 

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The Kings Preparatory Christian Academy


Office (240) 489-1296




Our Mission

We have a "biblical view" of children, we see each child as Jesus saw them, bright, creative, trusting and envisioned by God.  As we educate them about our earth, the world, and its societies as the Bible teaches us, we see them grow into productive disciples of Christ, becoming key contributors to our society as they manage and move in our world with the spiritual guidance of Jesus Christ.

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